Travel should be about peace of mind and relaxation and nothing more. For the most part people travel to relax and unwind and there are many simple things to do to take the stress out of your next holiday. Here are some of my favourite tips for helping you to relax and enjoying a better holiday.

Book well in advance

Booking accommodation well in advance is the best way to give yourself peace of mind and when you book in advance you are much more likely to get a cheaper price compared to booking closer to your date of travel. On top of this you can uses sites like My Voucher Codes to make it even cheaper and get an even better deal.

Take out travel insurance

Travel insurance gives you the peace of mind to do all the things that you should do when you travel, without worrying about it. Of course nobody goes into travel expecting for something bad to happen, but it is great to know that you will be covered due to the erratic nature of life. You can even take out travel insurance that covers cancellations and delays, so you will never be out of pocket.

Plan less

There may be a temptation for you to try and plan everything to the T, but this is one sure fire way to stress yourself out. Rather than having a strict plan, have a list of things that you absolutely want to and need to see. Keep this list small and leave everything else open for when you are wandering around and you find something interesting. Sure it may not fit into a plan, but it is definitely much more interesting.

Your body is a temple

Treating your body well is the key to having a great travel experience, you can’t expect to be walking around all day and surviving on 3 hours of sleep every night. It simply does not work like that. Enjoy things in moderation, the best example of this is alcohol, so that you can make the most of your time and not be sleeping the whole day.

Go in the opposite direction

We already talked about planning very loosely, but what about going against the grain of tourism? This is something I would highly recommend to anyone. Seek out an area of a city that is not particularly exciting (or as far as any tourist knows) and go and blend in. I can tell you with some certainty that you will have a much more authentic and better experience this way.